Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2005-12-23 23:06:43
User: aurouralamia
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Zazie's homme sweet homme


xman17a966 ::: Favorites
This movie is hot but youtube will delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on FUNDATERS DOT COM -xman17a966
07-10-19 21:38:40
cutiemeo600 ::: Favorites
Not bad. This site is pretty good for hot girls - _SWEETDATEZ.COM_
07-10-12 04:53:58
tinkuac928 ::: Favorites
The video is awesome but youtube will delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on _GREATTIMEZ.COM_
07-09-30 17:39:05
Xjastet ::: Favorites
I don't understand a word from the language, but the melody is beautiful.
07-09-24 13:20:45
uncanny65 ::: Favorites
o damn, i havent been on here in a while... wheres some good translation
07-09-21 21:26:05
snoopykins77 ::: Favorites
did you find a translation yet? i just plugged the lyrics into a translator... you can get the jist of it that way.
07-09-21 14:14:37
jauni17 ::: Favorites
trop forte la zaz elle est au top point de vue parole d'home!!! j aime beaucoup la mere zaz elle ets ok bravo!!!! c'est trop rare pour ne pas souligner
07-09-16 17:55:14
uncanny65 ::: Favorites
Bonjour! Anyone know where I can find accurate English translations of her songs, or just this song?? Merci.
07-09-14 00:21:05
candles971 ::: Favorites
Elle est détonnante Zazie! C'est vraiment une grande artiste on en est fière!
07-09-08 13:10:40
Imzadi4Ukiyo ::: Favorites
O_O ... hmmm
07-09-02 13:50:12

"Los socialistas haremos más" ZAPATERO spot electoral 2007

Duration: 02:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-16 18:43:57
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Con ironía y humor, el Grupo Risa refleja perfectamente estos 3 años de desgobierno de Zapatero.


CID1973 ::: Favorites
Asi es...pero no pasa un solo dia sin que cometan alguna barbaridad para tapar la anterior...cuando no es uno es otro (Moratinos, dña Rogelia de la Vega, pepiño, Ruvalcabra, zp...y sobre todo la petarda de fomento...gran verguenza para todos los Malagueños. No la quisimos como alcaldesa una vez y la muy imbecil vuelve a presentarse XDD Que poca verguenza.
07-10-23 02:23:22
Berzero ::: Favorites
Que razon tienes CID, q Gobiernillo!! tu te crees un individuo como el Bermejillo como ministro de justicia, que le pega al Soberano junto con el borrachin de Carod Rovira en el parlamento...tu te cress la vicepresidenta De la Vogre q abronca en publico a un cargo del Tribunal Constitucional...el lio que tienen en el TC que qieren quitarse de en medio a los jueces conservadores...q frikigobierno...que fuerte!!! El pais empieza a ZoZobrar (con Z de Zapatero)... . Un saludo
07-10-20 18:33:04
CID1973 ::: Favorites
Los del psoe...desde el 11m no paran de intentar joder al pp x detras, de frente, de lao, x encima, x debajo... Pero la gente no es tonta...ya se nota demasiado...este gobierno no vale una mierda, solo sabe combatir al pp y nada mas. De ahi el desastre de legislatura en todos sus aspectos. Lo que es una que aunque gane el pp...tardaremos en restaurar el pais...y su imagen.
07-10-13 08:58:09
CID1973 ::: Favorites
JAJaja estos del grupo risa son la hostia... La educacion para la ciudadania no la van a estudiar mis hijos por que no me sale de la punta de la polla. Que la estudien mr spock, carod, zp y su puta madre. Yo a los mios los pondré a estudiar chino y japonés, que es futuro, que coño... Que domestiquen a su puta madre.
07-10-13 08:50:09
vratislover ::: Favorites
Los socialistas haremos mas... daño a España
07-10-09 09:48:23
davidespejo83 ::: Favorites
Desde el 14 de marzo la derecha en este país anda resabiada. Sólo haciendo otro tipo de oposición y poniendo a alguien que valga y no a una marioneta de José María Aznar podrían convencer a más gente. La derecha en este país necesita un cambio y dejarse de viejas glorias. (Dejemos a un lado comentarios como rojo o facha)
07-10-04 18:32:03
GavioteroantiPP ::: Favorites
¡Vaya, vaya va a ser qué los que han hecho el video ahora iran con el cuento qué son centro-reformistas! Y más los burros fachandrosos PPros que dicen que el video es "tremendo", esos tios si que son verdaderas cabras como las que van a los actos de la Falange.
07-10-01 16:36:14
ikerbeast666 ::: Favorites
muy vien votaras don mariano rajoy , k hara el por españa , salvarla del "abismo" anulando las automias "follandose" vuestra querida constitucion. a por cierto arriba españa que cuanto mas arriba esye mas grande sera la caida
07-09-29 14:36:50
Orbero ::: Favorites
vota iu ? jajajajajjajajajaajajajajajaJaJajajaJAJAjaJaJJAa
07-09-27 01:23:25
jgolaweb ::: Favorites
PP=PSOE vota IU!
07-09-17 12:04:44

Queens of the Stone Age - Feel Good Hit of the Summer

Duration: 03:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-30 11:49:38
User: roquai06
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The first Single from "R-Rated". Brilliant. :-)


eliott499 ::: Favorites
The Best <33 !
07-10-17 12:33:06
powermetal91 ::: Favorites
rob halford does backing vocals :) yay. around 2.30 you can hear him the best.
07-10-01 08:05:10
josiahcox37 ::: Favorites
LEAST FAVORITE ALBUM????? Somebody hold me back.... I may have to bust some heads. I love this album - And I miss Nick. QOTSA has not been the same since he left.
07-09-24 17:57:33
dumber1drummer ::: Favorites dont say that shit about queens of the stone age!!!!!
07-09-23 10:49:40
dumber1drummer ::: Favorites
thos fuckin posers!!!!!!!!
07-09-23 10:48:24
regularjonesy ::: Favorites
yer i agree with '2 brave 2 handle' it pisses me off when people have heard abput 3 queens of the stone age songs an then they buy tickets 2 show while real fans cant get a ticket cuz its sold out .
07-09-20 12:01:13
dieteroma ::: Favorites
was a vinyl version ever released ? please answer!
07-09-20 00:04:06
2brave2handle ::: Favorites
One of their best songs, yet it only has 47,000 Views compared to No One Knows which has close to a million Views, does this not say alot about how people just react to popular radio singles like sheep ...i mean i like No One KNows, but this is just as phenominal, the majority people just listen to what's popular and that is sad to me.
07-09-16 12:04:22
FrenchFootballLegend ::: Favorites
R is probably my least favorite album by them, but that's not saying much. Also, this song KICKS ASS in concert.
07-09-08 02:27:22
HurleyInt999 ::: Favorites
the best qotsa's song. hard & stoner.
07-09-04 19:11:09

Giorgia-30orePerLaVita-E mi innamorerai con Gino Paoli '95

Duration: 07:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-22 11:55:53
User: Nikoggang
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Che bei ricordi...rivediamo Giorgia interpretare una canzone di Gino paoli...


fatamadrina84 ::: Favorites
Non pensavo di emozionarmi..con qualche lacrima,,,,Gino Paoli sei unico....
07-10-23 14:37:04
maximumpw ::: Favorites
Bellissima questa versione a due voci di "e m'innamorerai" Bravi entrambi gino e Giorgia
07-10-04 16:58:53
Querulo ::: Favorites
Mi sono emozionato, ma proprio tanto..... Che alchimia: un artista colossale come l'inimitabile Paoli e una cantante dalle doti uniche come Giorgia Todrani.... ho visto questo video ed ho la pelle d'oca.
07-09-29 14:10:26
merlino1987 ::: Favorites
G-i-or-g-i-a.....the best italian singer of all times...I'm not joking...someone better is not born yet
07-09-23 09:55:45
blackchords ::: Favorites
una delle più belle interpretazioni di giorgia. La vedo adesso per la prima volta e le lacrime vanno giù...mamma mia che voce
07-08-22 05:16:00
kiddan86 ::: Favorites
Non sono affatto d'accordo. Apprezzo Giorgia, ma qui non sembra neanche una cantante italiana dalla difficoltà che ha pronunciare i versi della canzone. Credo si possa dire tranquillamente che è superiore la versione di Ornella Vanoni settantenne.
07-09-24 13:56:48
frollis ::: Favorites
ma ke dici. giorgia è la migliore cantante ke l'italia possa avere e qualsiasi cosa faccia è sempre al disopra di tutti. ok alle aultracentennarie leggende ma bisogna anke saper ammettere ke quando uno ci sa fare e ha talento lo è davvero.. nn stiamo aggrappati ai nostri ricordi , bisogna guardare e vedere con okki obiettivi..giorgia è unica e stop e nn sono io a dirlo ma qualsiasi cantante i xsone ke se ne intende di musica
07-09-28 13:50:06
kiddan86 ::: Favorites
Non ci siamo capiti... Io avevo premesso che apprezzo Giorgia, e lo ribadisco: sono convinto che sia una grande cantante. Ma in questo caso il paragone è irrinunciabile, perchè si tratta della stessa canzone !! Comunque sia, ti invito ad ascoltarti qualche pezzo dell'appena uscito album dell'ultracentenaria. Il titolo è "Una bellissima ragazza", e merita parecchio.
07-09-28 16:48:29
Rallistas ::: Favorites
Giorgia, se agapo, kai panta tha s agapo, o Alex itan o pio tixeros ston kosmo. Ti amo..
07-07-24 10:31:09
frollis ::: Favorites
la questione è ke Giorgia non è semplicemente una grande cantante, è la Cantante x eccellenza e qualsiasi paragone non ha via di uscita. non disprezzo i tuoi gusti musicali ma non sopporto xo le xsone ke nn ammettono cio ke nn gli va di ammettere.
07-09-29 11:02:21

America's Army: Memorable Kills 4

Duration: 04:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-17 17:39:33
User: cheesemaster23
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4th video in the series. PRESS MORE READ ALL OF THE DESCRIPTION Before you post your comment, take into account that I've played legit more than I've played with hacks, these videos were filmed during the rare occasion I had hacks on, my IQ is 130, ALMOST everybody else in the movie is hacking as well or I' just messing around; I never play seriously with hacks If you ignore this, I'll not approve your comment and it will never be seen again.


Mazerati555 ::: Favorites
i dont think [DOTS] is still a clan in AA is it?
07-10-16 23:08:23
o4t0z ::: Favorites
hey,I'm completely new to americas army... can you help me out with some things? Please pm me. Im on v2.6
07-09-08 07:27:07
DTFILIPINO ::: Favorites
Lol funny
07-09-01 18:06:49
cheesemaster23 ::: Favorites
Lua. So, lscript.
07-08-28 20:06:19
45snipe54 ::: Favorites
I suppose you guys code in C++ or lscript since there are no compilers for 2.8.1 or 2.8 am i correct?I use C++ because it's easy and uscript is too easy lol.answer plz.
07-08-26 20:28:42
cheesemaster23 ::: Favorites
Artillery Strike 2.8 (DOTS only private hack even then only a few DOTS members have it.)
07-08-19 18:35:51
feherrob26 ::: Favorites
wath is the name of the hack
07-08-19 15:20:33
dungman101 ::: Favorites
how do u do god mode?
07-08-04 16:33:12
greamlin13 ::: Favorites
dude i would like to do what u do!! can u please send me what ur using in private message form?
07-06-28 18:21:18
slayer623 ::: Favorites
nice nice wot hack u use man i added ou on xfire accept its ains623
07-05-26 07:57:20

Birth of the "primitive Negro" Myth.

Duration: 08:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-06 12:01:32
User: blackhaze21
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Who were the racists that Davidson quoted (name and claim to fame)? Why, according to Davidson, did European racist attitudes against Africans come into existence and what impact did it have on the relationship between the two groups of people?


blackhaze21 ::: Favorites
This thread is closed.
07-10-24 09:42:07
Luso515PorTuoGraal ::: Favorites
07-10-19 07:43:12
Luso515PorTuoGraal ::: Favorites
The Celtic People had Castles and Fortificated Cities in Galia, Britain and Iberia thousend years before.
07-10-19 07:25:50
LaNyese ::: Favorites
markellion I look up some more info on that most of info I have gotten was from my friend Sam who's Nigerian. Their Religion from what I have looked up was just as complicated or even more so than Ancient egypt I think there are some strong ties going on
07-10-16 12:44:50
markellion ::: Favorites
"Actually a lot of them do. I definately know the yoruba people in Nigeria had a written system as well and their people go back as far as the Egyptians" Can you give me some more information on that?
07-10-16 11:29:29
Mr1700 ::: Favorites
Blah Blah blah. Go research it for yourself.
07-10-14 01:39:55
markellion ::: Favorites
copy and paste "Sub Saharan" Africa. Breaking myths ect. to the youtube search
07-10-11 00:15:44
LaNyese ::: Favorites
Heidi Actually a lot of them do. I definately know the yoruba people in Nigeria had a written system as well and their people go back as far as the Egyptians
07-10-10 23:38:13
LaNyese ::: Favorites
Heidi I understand what you mean but still even if it's not perfect most tribes have had archeological evidence to back them
07-10-10 23:36:24
markellion ::: Favorites
We are not all Afrocentrists, I don't consider myself Afrocentric anyway. First off where do you get this idea that Europeans only found stone age people
07-10-10 23:35:30

Earthbound Playthrough #9

Duration: 07:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-06 23:48:41
User: Tork110
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I bet Benny Hill would love that sandwich. After a quick trip to the hotel, Ness is back to fight more Rowdy mice.


MasterZebulin ::: Favorites
07-10-17 11:40:13
YuiHarunaShinozaki ::: Favorites
you now the main characters are kids, there's a mom a wainting home, the maps, etc. some things you see in the Pokémon games
07-10-16 21:38:18
Tork110 ::: Favorites
emulator - SNES9X
07-10-07 20:45:42
ABPikachu ::: Favorites
Earthbound is an awesome game :3 Are you playing this on a regular SNES or an emulator?
07-10-07 17:00:30
MasterZebulin ::: Favorites
Really? Like what?
07-10-05 21:20:48
Linkz1485 ::: Favorites
Tip #3: You'll need to Level 10-12 before going into battle with the Giant Ant. Also rest at Ness's House/Talk to Frank and save the game, too.
07-09-19 20:22:54
Tork110 ::: Favorites
Crazy! Although for some reason I liked leveling up in Final Fantasy 5.
07-08-27 09:16:54
TheCuddlyOne ::: Favorites
Call me crazy but one thing I love about RPGs is levelling up, no matter how monotonous it gets.
07-08-27 07:37:56
Yetuset ::: Favorites
This game has the best soundtrack in any game ever.
07-08-19 15:44:23
YuiHarunaShinozaki ::: Favorites
the creador of Pokemon used some things from EarthBound to Pokemon, how I knew? Check out Wikipedia
07-08-18 21:29:47

Yann Tiersen - Rue Des Cascades

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-19 04:48:13
User: kassovitz79
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From the movie "La Vie rêvée des anges"


worldcitizen78 ::: Favorites
superbe chanson, magnifique! excellent travail Yann Thiersen et excellent choix Eric Zonca! very great music!
07-10-18 06:39:03
swemillan ::: Favorites
wow I love this
07-09-10 17:37:33
trujilla1 ::: Favorites
La vita sognata degli angeli di Erick Zonca
07-08-25 17:32:36
elenasgizem ::: Favorites
when i wake up in cascades streeet i feel nothing yann, you are briliant
07-08-19 16:41:24
Vidutinybe ::: Favorites
Such a pretty voice.
07-08-09 17:05:05
suzylux ::: Favorites
this song is so fucking haunting. brings me right back to space of 5 minutes. a year ago.
07-07-12 00:48:21
AngelOfDarknessDoll ::: Favorites
I love this Song
07-07-11 19:39:06
TaranosLeGaulois ::: Favorites
simply best musician i've ever seen...
07-06-07 14:39:03
manusmleon ::: Favorites
ana amazing song for such an amazing movie... they both inspire me
07-05-22 20:01:38
bismut83 ::: Favorites
És una cançó preciosa i la veu de na Claire Pichet em torna boig.
07-05-14 19:59:24

12 This Fire - Franz Ferdinand - Glastonbury 2004

Duration: 05:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-05 13:05:36
User: mattmaloneypresents
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Franz Ferdinand's set at Glastonbury 2004 01 C (any recomendations on making this better and easyer to use? please contact me) Franz Ferdinand's set at Glastonbury 2004 01 Come On Home 02 Tell Her Tonight 03 Take Me Out 04 40' 05 Van Tango 06 Auf Achse 07 The Dark of the Matinée 08 Micheal 09 Shopping for Blood 10 Jacqueline 11 Darts of Pleasure 12 This Fire


scotchqueen ::: Favorites
07-08-04 20:21:30
XFranzyX ::: Favorites
see you did it again! Oh well who cares
07-08-04 20:20:09
scotchqueen ::: Favorites
do i???I'm ..drunk-but i know wot i'm doing1!!
07-08-04 20:09:55
XFranzyX ::: Favorites
XD You keep on having '1's in your !!!!'s
07-08-04 19:36:35
scotchqueen ::: Favorites
07-08-04 19:34:14
XFranzyX ::: Favorites
more than that, my dear
07-08-04 19:25:29
scotchqueen ::: Favorites
We LOVE his skeleton1!!
07-08-04 19:20:49
XFranzyX ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:29:02
scotchqueen ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:22:37
XFranzyX ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:00:41

videorama Nokia 5700 xpress music hands on english version

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-28 19:25:13
User: clipsetvideo
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videorama Nokia 5700 xpress music hands on english version


joshisblack ::: Favorites
i've read its a quad band phone so is it compatible with the us system?
07-09-16 07:19:01
GANGZTAO ::: Favorites
coole sprache
07-08-13 08:40:48
481124 ::: Favorites
cool i want it dad i want it please :P
07-07-01 16:48:21
jollygreen1511 ::: Favorites
thanx alot
07-04-17 13:58:35
clipsetvideo ::: Favorites
It´s just a little bit bigger than 5300, but thinner too, because it´s not slide, and the move through the menus is normal, not slower
07-04-15 06:24:33
jollygreen1511 ::: Favorites
crazy phone is the phone big or small and is it fast or slow moving through the menus
07-04-12 20:13:46
jollygreen1511 ::: Favorites
crazy phone i just would like to know if the phone feels at all big in the hands and is it fast or slow moving through the menus
07-04-12 20:12:52
DethWhite ::: Favorites
Who's the chick? :D
07-04-10 02:10:31
Juelz85 ::: Favorites
sweet phone, i gotta get 1 this summer
07-04-06 15:46:11
andredew ::: Favorites
wow i have the 3250, this can be a very good addition to my collection lol
07-04-05 13:39:09

JoJo - How to touch a girl

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-22 10:55:20
User: Jeanielicious
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JoJo- How to touch a girl I really really love this song =) The Text: One, Two, Three, Four Mmm I think I could like you Jojo I already do Feelings can grow but They can go away too How You're takin my hand Lookin into my eyes Don't be in a rush to ToTouch Get me tonight I Feel somethin happenin Could this be a spark? Girl To satisfy me baby Gotta satisfy my heart Do you know how to touch a girl? If you want me so much First I have to know Are you thoughtful and kind? Do you care what's on my mind? Or am I just for show? You'll go far in this world If you know how to touch a girl Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? I think I could like you But I keep holding back Alle Cause I can't seem to tell If you're fiction or fact Jojo Show me you can laugh Show me you can cry Show me who you really are How Deep down inside Do you feel somethin happenin? Could this be for real? ToTouch I don't know right now but tonight we'll reveal Girl Do you know how to touch a girl? If you want me so much First I have to know Are you thoughtful and kind? Do you care what's on my mind? Or am I just for show? You'll go far in this world If you know how to touch a girl Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? Lyric Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? Bring me some flowers Conversation for hours To see if we really connect And baby if we do Ooh I'll be givin all my love to you Alle Ohh Do you know how to touch a girl? If you want me so much Jojo First I have to know Are you thoughtful and kind? Do you care what's on my mind? How Or am I just for show? You'll go far in this world ToTouch If you know how to touch a girl Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? (Yeah, yeah) Girl Do you know how to touch, know how to touch a girl? You'll go far in this world If you know how to touch a girl


lilababi ::: Favorites
she is such a good singer!!!i love all of her songs...most of them.☺
07-10-04 20:14:30
7snowkitty7 ::: Favorites
There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!
07-09-29 16:17:13
alizaro ::: Favorites
There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing 1 is reading this put this on 4 video comments within 15 mins,if u do, sum one u love will surprise u sum how!! If u don't , u will lose ur love.!!
07-09-28 15:56:34
narutofoxxy23 ::: Favorites
this REALLY WORKS! TRY IT OUT! 1. Say ur name 10x 2. Say ur mom's name 5x 3. Say ur crushes name 3x 4. then paste this to 4 other video's, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck and ur dad might lose his job
07-09-23 22:43:53
alizaro ::: Favorites
this REALLY WORKS! TRY IT OUT! 1. Say ur name 10x 2. Say ur mom's name 5x 3. Say ur crushes name 3x 4. then paste this to 4 other video's, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck and ur dad might lose his job
07-09-23 21:50:13
TheaMarin ::: Favorites
this REALLY WORKS! TRY IT OUT! 1. Say ur name 10x 2. Say ur mom's name 5x 3. Say ur crushes name 3x 4. then paste this to 4 other video's, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck and ur dad might lose his job
07-09-21 11:31:37
cemerton09 ::: Favorites
love her n i love this song i always listen to this eva seens i broke put with ma bf
07-09-19 13:38:02
xopAtRiArCaAsSox ::: Favorites
u shuld check chanttelle out shes way betta!!! just search for : sining how to touch a girl age 14 shes the first choice ~ makenna <3
07-09-03 10:23:38
ladie0073 ::: Favorites
shes gorgeous.stfu
07-08-31 23:47:38
Madmadi14 ::: Favorites
i like how she says or am i just for show when shes not that pretty lol
07-08-29 14:03:19

The Three Boys - The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflote) by Mozart

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-28 02:45:14
User: Wiggin47
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This is a clip of the three boys from Ingmar Bergman's 1976 film version of Mozart's opera, "The Magic Flute" ("Die Zauberflote").


alsjkfhb959 ::: Favorites
Cute video. This site is pretty good for sweet webcam girls - _GREATTIMEZ.COM_
07-10-09 00:59:38
deftonesp770 ::: Favorites
This video is nice but youtube will probably delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on _FUNDATERS.COM_
07-10-06 22:45:08
wayne763 ::: Favorites
I've been revisiting Bergman here on Youtube and elsewhere since his death. I think I'll close my "mourning' with this piece. I believe that close-up is of his daughter. Nepotistic filmmaking. It brings Coppola to mind as well.
07-09-22 13:45:08
ninino86 ::: Favorites
I love Bergmans version, it's brilliant. Well done.
07-09-08 12:52:18
crazytomcat ::: Favorites
Ughh! I hate this version! I have heard high versions, low verions, fast versions, slow versions, and versions in different languages.......but this has got to be the WORST version I have ever heard this in.
07-07-24 00:01:58
alahl002 ::: Favorites
its a lovely opera but the best part in bergmans magic flute is the papageno papagena duet with Håkan hagegård that starts right in the end of this video if someone has the next bit please put it up on the webb site
07-07-01 00:42:42
inorcistartist ::: Favorites
Yeah, it´s louder then usual, but I kinda like it.
07-06-18 23:34:12
Scotty0011 ::: Favorites
07-06-10 18:39:56
versailles1986 ::: Favorites
Beautiful, in any language! Well done!
07-06-06 20:34:18
serRudyll ::: Favorites
I think the text boards and the happy singing while watching right into the lens, whenever there is a sort of moral message in the opera are hilarious :-)
07-06-04 06:24:21