Thursday, December 20, 2007

a dormir...

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-26 00:06:17
User: ositogrunon
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cuam  yaguara  tibia  junquito  pueblo  mario  maxiz  maxizalonso  alonso  cucho  cuhito  fido  dido  fidodido  sevenup  drogado  




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Dragon Ball Z Opening 02 [ Audio Latino ]
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Dragon ball Z capitulo 11 (Audio latino) parte 2
Suchy hit
Crazy Man's Ju-Ju PART ONE
The Men of Tennis on Leno
El Mocito Feliz Canta en la Plaza Mitjana. Mejor actuación.
fest noz
blue screen of death
High School Wrestling
Trevor In Japan - Video Blog #2
McFly-Dougie's Room
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Hit Stick
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ADELINA ISMAJLI - " Do te behem milioner " 1989
Dry Ice Bomb to Body
Halloween Irony: supremeecellency takes his mask... OFF lmao


Episode 22 - Climbing The Lighthouse

Duration: 10:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-09 20:56:11
User: GoAway0000
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Episode  Climbing  The  Lighthouse  


Here we go! Up to the tippy-top


Ampharos123 ::: Favorites  2007-09-11 20:14:51

a medium bird named mikey
pj1145 ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 16:28:11

Did you hack? I dont want the code, just saying, THIS AMAZING!!!
TehRizzle ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 16:26:00

You should use the VBA Re-Recorder. All desync problems are fixed even on a long video like this! If you want it you can read the bulliten i recently put up :P Good vid tho :P
MiiVersusReeseman888 ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 21:13:42

I dont even like pokemon but I got to say great series..

Other Video Blog Entries

St. Michael the Archangel
My Bloody Valentine - Kiss
Arrivederci MIllwall clip
Me singing Life's What you make it!
Muse interview
Leo Speaking Up 14
Ana Torroja - 01 - Con sólo un beso (Concierto Básico 40)
World of Warcraft - C o n f
2000 interview- 1
Gravitation ~ Here Without You
mis bebes, 6 dias d vida
Equipamento obrigatório para veículos em 2009
bohemian rhapsody solo lesson played by Aurelinho
Fascinating Rhythm
WAC Compilation
Clash of the Techno Titans
Kimmel goes to Costco
Dragon Ball Z Flash animation
Kamloops vs Regina
Dragon Ball Gt (audio latino) capitulo 9 Parte 2


「ワンピース ONE PIECE」 OP 8

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 12:35:13
User: Zycle
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One Piece Opening 8 アニメ「ワンピース」オープニングテーマ


frikkinerd ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 19:22:02

Long, great animation, nice song.
Fransu7 ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 14:23:55

WE NEED A MUSICIAN! This op is awesome *-*
ANIMEMASTER1111 ::: Favorites  2007-12-09 14:10:36

Anime op keep getting better.
guttermouthmike ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 10:12:27

technically he's not in the anime yet. just the intro. can't wait seems like forever. need that skeleton musician now.
Mastercamera ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 22:06:21

YAY! Brook! The greatest skeleton in anime!
squidward80 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 09:35:01

dragon is finally on an opening
ryansmellsbad ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 05:51:09

this is my fav opening so far, thanks for uploading, i wonder what the next one will be like, in a quite a few episodes from here
guttermouthmike ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 21:38:42

probably because the video was made to fit with the music as it's an opening theme.
scullpy ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 16:25:34

music fits video really well!!
soulbrothaone ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 01:22:26

wow this song is great! it's really addictive!
apr ::: Favorites  2007-10-30 08:45:08

OP 8
alipdf ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 01:05:22

2nd time commenting cant get enough!!!
alipdf ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 13:16:12

OMG THIS IS THE BEST OPENING EVER!!!!!!!!! TATTATATAATATA TATA TATATA TAEEEAAA HAHA ANWAY please tell me from where to download this op theme .mp3!!!!
Genis93 ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 12:37:57

wow, this is the best opening
pyrohell ::: Favorites  2007-10-15 18:28:11

I can't stop hearing this song... w00t (y) One Piece!!

Other Video Blog Entries

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Colex Enterprises Logo (1984-1987)
Paul McCartney Dead or Alive? The Album Cover Clues
Douglas Kennedy à la fnac Montparnasse, 25 mai 2007


Rob Van Dam Channel Icon

Duration: 00:0 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-13 19:39:19
User: Shanathan7
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Rob  Van  Dam  Channel  Icon  Professional  Wrestling  Shanathan7  


Rob Van Dam Channel Icon For Shanathan7


Other Video Blog Entries

Guess That Sped Up Song Pt. 106
Neurofeedback for Attention Deficit Disorder
Scary Maze: The Movie
Guess That Sped Up Song Pt. 21
西田麻衣 いっしょに入ろ♪
Phil Collins - Take a look through my eyes
Ashley: We are TOTAL dorks!!!
Fresh Princess
Funny animals
music video rahul sharma dir shiraz bhattacharya
Lula fala sobre pelotas
Amy Winehouse - 'Just Friends'
STAMPEAD ROCKS Blues riff in "G"
Flight 77 and Pentagon (uranium too)
Liebesbote Manuel Cortez bei Bravo TV
unofficial best times update: 1l H2O - 17,07 :-)


Scheißebauen im Fastfood-Restaurant

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Joan Baez Feat Mimi Farina - Viva mi patria Bolivia

Duration: 02:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-26 13:13:25
User: rologt500
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Joan  Baez  Mimi  Farina  "Viva  patria  Bolivia"  "Apolinar  Camacho"  Bolivia  folk  (more)  

Description: Entre cueca y folk, guitarra en mano, Joan Baez toca una increible version de ¡Viva Mi Patria Bolivia! ... (more) De la presentacion: B.B. King, gran maestro del blues, y Joan Baez realizan un concierto en la célebre cárcel de Sing Sing, la más pesada de las penitenciarías de Nueva York. Era día de Acción de Gracias, en ese entonces, los artistas recorrían las cárceles en apoyo a los detenidos por oponerse a la guerra de Vietnam. Ese concierto fue registrado por nueve cámaras y algún periódico gringo lo definió como "uno de los mejores shows en la historia de la música". (The Hoffman Collection: B.B. King and Joan Baez - in Concert at Sing Sing) De la canción escrita por Apolinar Camacho: El boliviano toco las puertas para nacer en Uyuni, el 5 de enero de 1917, intento ser músico profesional pero el dinero solo le alcanzo para tocar un año en el conservatorio. Sabia poco, muy poco de música lo único que quizás le daba sentido a sus canciones era Dios como el decía "Mis composiciones provienen de lo alto (de Dios) y gracias a que pienso en cada detalle de mi patria: un río, una india, una chola". Su piano, una noche solitaria, su Dios y su patria confabularon para que escribiera las melodías más perfectas para la tierra que lo viera nacer. La cueca nacida en 1939 acompaño a los bolivianos en los momentos mas dolorosos y los mas alegres, con un letra simple y los acordes de cueca sencillos ¡Viva mi patria Bolivia! se hizo el segundo himno boliviano.


taddyd1 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 06:43:13

Joan Baez and Fonda have had major disagreements politically. Baez has the respect of humanitarians everywhere, unlike Fonda.
taddyd1 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 06:40:41

She's helped a lot more than you have. And she could have made much more money than she did and has given away more than she's kept. Crusading for people to stop killing and torturing each other helps EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. Austrians love Baez too, don't you?
jennyflow ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 09:15:31

jajaja q buenoooo es verdad peruchos ladrones
7buitre7 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 18:26:27

interesante version
canitocome ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 10:35:22

Qué curiosa interpretación. Es muy interesante ciertamente. Vivo en la actual Bolivia, pero soy un REGIONALISTA ORUREÑO, Quisiera independencia para mi departamento. De todos modos se recuerda con cariño a nuestro ex-país
catavi ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 04:55:22

xmaurix1, que verguenza no sabes ni escribir que ortografia ojala no seas boliviano! has escrito 5 palabras y dios mio que horrografia, asno!! escribiste titer, ????? que es eso?????? Es, titere! animal...... y Chavez se escribe con (Z) y no con la (S) pusiste, Chaves ja ja , que pena de humano eres, que puedes exigir a tus hijos como puede mejorar el pais si no sabes lo basico de tu idioma materno, mejor no comentes nada
xmaurix1 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 16:34:37

calla ignorante de mierda!!! evo un titer de chaves
useeher ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 22:56:37

Joan looks a lot like Jennifer Beals the actress.
nickclapton ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 12:22:22

yup i believe so.
attybong ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 00:41:01

i heard they're real life sisters, are they?
catavi ::: Favorites  2007-12-05 15:07:44

bolivia es lo que es por la corrupcion, la apropiacion gratuita de las riquezas naturales y la explotacion del pueblo (por los ricos de bolivia q siempre estuvieron en el poder), eso tiene q cambiar por esa razon estoy con mi presidente Evo Morales, un abrazo desde Finlandia.
nickclapton ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 19:50:12

i love watching watching them play the guitars they play like exactly the same!
Orientista69 ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 16:30:43

Hay mierda entraron unos peruchos cuideeen las billeteras y mujeres agarren bien sus bolsos !!!! Viva Santa Cruz k-rajo, y despuej Bolivia !
billmackenna ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 07:59:17

pues que venga Joan, multimillonaria norteamericana, a resolver los problemas de Bolivia
bex273 ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 23:20:00


Other Video Blog Entries

Lion King. Candy Mountain.
Storytelling in Jonesborough TN
World History Mockumentary
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KHun chai jum laeng EP 06 part 3/4
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Whatamess What-A-Mess Chedisastro by Frank Muir
Kyra & Duvessa


Pyromcr Channel Icon

Duration: 00:4 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-07 18:23:12
User: pyromcr
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pyromcr  pyro  productions  icon  channel  


My channel icon.


pyromcrr ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 20:12:05

Billy goat.
duckpwnr ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 08:11:48

i agree with monkey take some classes or somthing, how bout you go join art club at school! I mean my little bro can draw better!
pyromcr ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 17:54:36

at least i tried to draw one
monkey1257 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 17:51:26

srsly either get better at drawing or dont draw at all lol
duckpwnr ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 08:05:10

It looks like an infant drew this

Other Video Blog Entries

War Rock - Crushenators 3 Best Shots!
How to Bug Yourself on War Rock (No Hacks)
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Free Time Pt. 2
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War Rock Sniper Montage Redux
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Morse Football RB
Opposite of Islam - by yusuf estes
Pick Up The Phone!
One Track Mind / Live (6Tracks) - Japanese SKA band
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Orhan Gencebay - Dil Yarası
Zombie Public Service Announcement
you remember this
8 September 2007
It Ain't Me Babe (Bob Dylan)
Gel Ne Olur&CeMRe
Re: Death in my family


Bilal pwnage

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-03 20:57:47
User: MoogleSniperz
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bilal  pwned  the  bus  funny  slap  slapped  fat  kid  pakistan  asian  brown  yellow  


me and my friends just slapping this sevie lol its ok we know him and he agreed to it (note i am not pakistani like my friends im korean im just not in the vid)


Bajwa909 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 11:16:22

wow bilal u have no life along witandh ur reetarted friends are reallllly gay im serious.veshal is gay to.
MoogleSniperz ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 21:56:56

lol im not bilal that kid getting slapped with the glasses is lol
jamesslam ::: Favorites  2007-10-16 20:01:56

u stink bilal that vid was stupid
Totem420 ::: Favorites  2007-10-06 00:07:21

bilal rocks oh yeah

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Free rs acc
Pete wins Big Brother 2006


Inayan Eskrima

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-13 21:13:07
User: boredoftv
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Inayan Eskrima set to Godsmacks whatever


sudlud ::: Favorites  2007-09-20 17:47:25

I wonder what Mangisursuro would have of thought of this clip. It is good to see that Kevin & Kevin are still training, but IMO the "Sipat" Bankow, and the speeding up need to be changed. Kevin, the Serrada and KDM are looking better. Kevin, need more focus on the footwork in the Sinawali. Don't know the others people, but keep training and keep Mangisursuro in mind when you make things like this as he was a stickler for Quality Control. C- based on effort.

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