Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tax Tips with Irwin R. Schyster

Duration: 03:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-17 17:33:41
User: bono316
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Tax Tips with Irwin R. Schyster


C666O ::: Favorites
All heels should fellow his example.
07-10-15 18:40:37
darthnowlan ::: Favorites
he did hold the world title at a house show but lost it very quickly and few people know of it
07-10-09 10:11:35
Lannis32 ::: Favorites
Dude, stop lying. He NEVER held the world title.
07-10-07 20:35:27
Lannis32 ::: Favorites
IRS never held the World title.  He held the WWF World tag titles 4 times (3 times with Ted Dibiase, once with Barry Windham).
07-10-07 20:33:17
attaxwrongnes ::: Favorites
i had that tape but somone borrowed it and inever got it back always remembered i.r.s tax tips heheh
07-10-03 21:56:23
darthnowlan ::: Favorites
he was world champ but very few know it and even less remember it wwe forgot it but i didnt neither did most ireland
07-10-01 17:31:52
Cdubya ::: Favorites
no just no...he is not in the title history or nothing
07-09-30 01:00:54
MasterWarlord3000 ::: Favorites
For those interested: This is from the "Supertape 92" video. The entire "Tuesday in Texas" event was on it, as well as some others...
07-09-25 17:06:07
PresidentRich ::: Favorites
best gimmick evar
07-09-21 22:02:50
darthnowlan ::: Favorites
as i said i saw irs on monday night raw with the world heavyweight championship he then said ladies and gentlemen you are looking at the new world heavyweight champion irwin r schyster aka irs the crowd then cheered him but he lost it 3 days later at a house show to bret heart after the match they shook hands irs should have had a longer world title reign then a week does anyone else agree with me 5/5
07-09-16 08:32:38

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