Thursday, November 1, 2007


Duration: 03:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-05 02:25:00
User: jrb21five
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my la and miami trip


Steadyareyouready ::: Favorites
lol that lady tried to take ur money lol and the homeless ppl craziness
07-07-23 23:34:18
Bosslady21 ::: Favorites
lol...murderer james!
07-06-03 23:45:31
HarMoNeY89 ::: Favorites
I dont think they thought u were a murderer!..They kept callin u cuz ur a freakin SUPERSTAR! lol..but im with u on the tip thing..I can't stand when they do that..& they try to make u feel bad about it too. & it aint just Chinese..i've had bad experiences with all types..but thats mad funny what u did..u real bold!lol
07-05-08 00:24:42
singer77 ::: Favorites
You're so cute! Loving the beard.
07-05-06 23:57:38
jrb21five ::: Favorites
this isnt the first time
07-05-06 23:36:11
wrestlingelduce ::: Favorites
It's not Chinese people. You had a specific encounter with a Chinese person.
07-05-06 19:15:11
kristenco007 ::: Favorites
That's was only one time, imagine getting terrorized by the homeless people everyday .And its even worse on fridays cuz they know you got paid !
07-05-06 00:57:21
JHudfanaticDiva19 ::: Favorites
Sounds like u had mad fun, and no her mama didnt think u was a mass murderer (Its cause u black aint it? lol), and naw if u think homeless people crazy ova thier if u go to the right part of ATL one day u really gone no what crazy is, lmao!!! Thats's whats up Superstar!!!
07-05-05 19:12:01
deliciousdimples06 ::: Favorites
also was contest was that, how come im always missing out on things... i wanna meet you just as much as i want to meet jenny...i know that we'd have a blast. you have to invite me to the next trip.
07-05-05 15:22:11
deliciousdimples06 ::: Favorites
im confused as to why they would think that you're a mass murderer, what gave them that idea? did you do something? sad but yeah alot of ppl think that they're entilted to a tip when they didnt do anything worth getting it, dont just assume im going to leave you a tip... another question where were you when you shot this clip...i noticed a Dreamgirls poster in the back, do you carry that with you everywhere?
07-05-05 15:20:37

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