Thursday, January 24, 2008

biohazard 4 kill a regenerator easy

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-30 07:22:44
User: alirazaq
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biohazard  resident  evil  iron  maiden  regenerator  ali  alirazaq  


I recently got the pc version of resident evil 4 and I made a little video to show you how you kill a regenerator easy if you don;t have the thermal scope 1st look around for gas tanks, iron maidens and regenrators tend to have something like so near them


alirazaq ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 02:21:37

Wow that post was like shit put together to make a sentence... That contained so many grammatical errors I almost didn't get it. If your going to post on the internet at least learn to proper English. Plus this game is no longer even scary to me, I got it the day it came out for Gamecube and beat it in a week! I have also beaten the PS2, WII, and PC versions so no you are the "noob".
algunick ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 20:06:03

OMG you gay !!!! noob playing it in maximum brighhness!!! noob gay scared that game cant scare NOBODY play Residnet Evil 1 Remake or RE3:Nemesis! that is scary!
alirazaq ::: Favorites  2007-09-16 02:54:18

didn't have none
bushidonomugen ::: Favorites  2007-08-15 20:54:32

um.......u might as well just use grenades

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