Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Recent Comments on Race

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-13 17:55:33
User: IowaPublicTelevision
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Joe Biden comments on previous statements regarding racial groups and his experience with civil rights. Barack Obama provides additional commentary regarding his perception of Joe Biden's comments. --- Iowa Public Television broadcast "The Des Moines Register Presidential Debates" live from the Iowa Public Television Maytag Auditorium in Johnston, Iowa on December 13, 2007. This forum, featured six of the Democrat candidates for President: Delaware Sen. Joe Biden; New York Sen. Hillary Clinton; Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd; former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards; Illinois Sen. Barack Obama; New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. For more information, visit "The Des Moines Register Presidential Debates" on Iowa Public Television. http://www.iptv.org/campaign08


srprjc ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 15:08:02

what u dont know is.. kurt followed the beliefs of a philosopher named albert ca moose, wherein the stand of that philosopher is after getting your biggest dream done, you have no more purpose in this world hence u are useless. his biggest dream was to perform in front of a large croud of people. you should not judge him as a problematic just bec of what he looks like and what he acts. that's what I have heard.
Trillaaa ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 20:28:28

The man keeps it real, that's the truth.
Banten ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 13:04:16

Only when a racist says it, otherwise it's just a compliment
bobbydanforth ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 10:36:50

"you're so articulate" is pretty much a stereotypical backhanded racial comment
iamalbright2 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 15:14:53

Actually that is the GOP's strategy. They can't beat Biden so they don't talk about him.They WANT Hillary and/or Obama because they have a strategy for attack.
SedanChair ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 15:04:14

Except Biden isn't going to win anything. Come on, can you not see that? He's the best qualified, but he's not going anywhere. He's running for a VP nod.
iamalbright2 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 15:00:27

I have been following Obama for several years now and think he is going to make a great leader, but America needs Joe first - It needs to be Biden/Obama - let him prove himself first as VP so that we have potentially 16 years of years of strong leadership to move America back into the world's good graces.
SedanChair ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 06:24:14

I will gladly put an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on my car, next to my Obama sticker. I broke my "bumper stickers are tacky" rule for Obama, and I'm willing to whore myself out COMPLETELY for Obama/Biden. LEGEND. The stuff of AGES. Dream Team 08, could you cast them better in a movie? Not just experience, but the *most* experience, the silver fox? Not just a change, but the newest and the brightest? Come on. PLEASE, Iowa give us Obama, and Obama give us Biden. I will follow.
sunshinehello ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 06:19:15

Joe is great. So calm and clear and to the point. What is wrong with saying that Obama is clean and well articulate or speaks well. I would love to receive comment's like that about myself. I find this stuff petty. We are a minority family, and find this stuff out of caricature for Obama. I would like to see the candidate that wins to win fair, and say to the candidates face what they say on the media, so the accused candidate can respond. This question is was good,
SedanChair ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 06:10:21

Yeah but let's be realistic. Obama's got that..."thing." Whatever "it" is. Charisma. Being in the right place at the right time, call it whatever, he needs to be the top of the ticket, because he can beat any Republican. In a world of perfect civic virtue and sagacity, yes, Biden would be on the top of the ticket. But in that world, we wouldn't need Obama/Biden to get us out of the mess we're in.
sunshinehello ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 06:01:11

I feel wisdom, experience, and maturiaty should come first. So Biden/Obama sounds about right. This could be a good choice.
sunshinehello ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 05:59:18

Will Biden doesn't have anything to atack and is a strong candidate. WOW, I find that people who think other people are racist are usually racist as well. Think about it.....
violenteer ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 03:51:00

Kind of puts those accusations the rest, now. Go Joe!!!
Iowan4Biden ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 21:05:48

they cant have ad's attacking him when they are seen here supporting him. They dont have ads attacking him because they dont want to bring up his name in fear of giving him a hint of publicity. they all respect him way tooo much. "HERE HERE"
SedanChair ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 15:50:25

Could there be a wiser, kinder, more handsome and refined administration than Obama/Biden? I almost don't dare to hope.

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