Saturday, April 12, 2008

Shout To The Lord Instructional (Daniel Choo) Hillsongs

Duration: 07:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-07 09:23:50

Requested by users Tabs can be found at


lynniefufu  2008-03-03 23:39:55

I am pretty new on the guitar and I got it. I had to watch it several times and rewind a lot. Thanks. It is very helpful
jedimindless  2008-02-18 10:49:30

strumming pattern for this song is D,D,UDU,DD,DU
bbbblllaah  2008-02-18 05:05:43

Hey this is a nice video but can you write the struming patterns like V V A V A V V V or something like that, i keep getting lost your strumming pattern parts but yeah, please can you write the strumming patterns down! thanks!!! and God Bless!!!
youpley  2008-02-08 05:48:51

can i ask you of something, please don't be offend; how old are you? what is your church name? religion?
Joshvz  2008-01-23 16:12:34

Hi Guys im Just announcing I feel that God is telling to do video blogs for Songs. i play the guitar and i will do instructionals as well. Plz give request for songs im happy to do them. God BLess. message me for anything.

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